Here he looks a little more like a rodent (which squirrels are, actually) with his beady eyes keeping me in focus while he chomps down the rest of his treats. As soon as I moved toward the door (these pictures are all taken through the front window) he scampered down the side of the railing. Here's a portrait of his compatriot, the gray squirrel, who actually looks as if he's laughing at me, doesn't he?

Now that's a tail! Nothing skimpy and half grown about that tail. I don't know what he is clutching to his chest, but he stayed frozen in this position for at least a minute, not moving. While at the Wild Bird Chalet this morning, I waffled about buying some unshelled peanuts for these guys, but I decided against it, since half the other apartment dwellers already have set them out. No wonder he's so well fed!
I started my hat project yesterday. After three false starts (it is REALLY HARD not to twist the stitches when you join them together, I found), I finally had to enlist the help of my resident Smart Guy, who helped me fit them together properly. The second time I was sure I had it, until four rows later... well, any of you who knit know what I'm talking about. Here's how far I've gotten, with a picture of what I hope I end up with:
As you can see, the brim of the hat naturally curls up. I'm on the stockinette stitch just past the first colors. You knit the hat upwards until you gradually decrease the stitches to finish it off. I figure at this rate it will be done by the end of the week, and then I'll start on the second scarf, which is not purple but pink.
The squirrels are so cute. I have never seen a black squirrel before. I love to watch them scamper around, especially when they are chasing each other.
ReplyDeleteYour hat is going to be nice. I like that color and pattern.
Your squirrels are really sweet. I can't understand people who think they're vermin. That's it! We'll start a Blog campaign to re-image squirrels! Did you see my pic of the one on my back fence?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if I've ever seen a black squirrel, we have gray and small red ones.
ReplyDeleteI like the colors in your hat; can't wait to see the final result.
Sunny :)
Loved the pictures of the squirrels. I have never seen a black one. I wonder what little treat he was clutching to his chest? The hat is looking good. I really like the style and color.
ReplyDeleteThe squirrels must be a total delight to watch. :D No squirrels around my house.
ReplyDeleteThe hat looks darling. Listen, I haven't the foggiest idea about knitting. The Fiber Arts Center where I wove the scarfs offers classes in knitting and crochet. Once you get the pattern down, knitting looks to be quite you can almost meditate. Can hardly wait to see the finished project. :D
I wonder why squirrels are seen often in your part of the world while here not really. Was it because of the climate or do they prefer staying in forested area. From what I know squirrels are aloof, do they attack people like the kangaroos in Rae's blog? Just curious.
Hi, AL, no, squirrels don't attack people like the kangaroos in Rae's blog (and I don't think they usually do either, kangaroos I mean). My resident Smart Guy just told me I blew it when I named this blog, it should have been "Knit 1, Squirrel 2" (snicker).
ReplyDeleteI love the squirrel pictures. It's nice to be able to sit down at my computer and enjoy the wildlife on your porch. My four legged baby does his best to ensure that all wildlife here is at a safe distance. Unfortunately for us he is quite successful.
ReplyDeleteMight I note that your windows are awfully clean? I'd never have known you took the pictures through them.
I really like the hat. I'd like to make one, but I've never used circular needles. It seems a bit intimidating.
I miss watching the squirrels I had at my other house. Here, we're too far from the woods to watch them, and our felines keep them away from the house.
ReplyDeleteThe hat is really cute. Be sure to post a pic of you wearing it!
Never seen a black squirrel before, didn't know they existed! Knitting is such a great way to relax and good luck with the hat - looks cute.
ReplyDeleteThis is the way the squirrels look, totally black, in the village where I was born and they still do. I think it is a malfunction in genes at one point and in time the whole community of squirrels became black. We also have red squirrels though they are a different species. The black ones are eastern gray squirrels but the red ones are different.
ReplyDeleteIt's always fun to spot a Black squirrel. There are not very many here. A bonus post squirrels and scarves!
ReplyDeleteThis will be long as I am going to read all your posts that I missed since my trip.
ReplyDeleteThe colors of the yarn in your local shop look so beautiful. I think I shall knit or crochet a long scarf. I enjoyed your last hike and your picture looked like a Christmas photo with snow on the evergreen and the red poncho. I also enjoyed your trip to Vancouver. We went to Canada twice this year – once to Vancouver upon our return from Alaska and then up the Maritime Provinces and it was so wonderful – Canada is such a favorite of mine I wish I could go there more often. I like your Halloween scarf and wig – at first when I looked quickly I thought it was a picture of Janice Joplin! I loved your story about the cat Alchemy. We are animal lovers and my husband is always stopping and looking at animals – for example he had kept some bread in his pocket and when we were in front of Notre Dame in Paris he started feeding the pigeons – they flew to his feet from everywhere, so many of them. The picture of one of the well fed pigeon was on my last post. Your header is very beautiful and the pictures are excellent. I would not know how to change my header and after trying to look at my blog at my cousin’s neighbor computer in France I don’t think I shall. It took ½ hour to almost download it and I had to leave before it downloaded totally so I don’t want to add too many gadgets. The thing that worries me is backing up. All my pictures are on my laptop – I need to back them up somewhere in case of malfunction. Your Guardian Angel picture is lovely – I had not seen it before. I am not sure if I have a Guardian Angel but was told many times that I was born under a 4-leaf clover. Anytime something good happens to me I say “thanks” aloud in case anyone is looking after me. I do have a few Pearl Buck books around in my library and shall try to find them as your post on her was quite interesting. Your scarf is very becoming and I like the look of the hat you are starting. Your pictures are great. I have so much to learn but I am always on a trip so I still have not read the instructions books… and my Photoshop program is still in the box it came in. Your blog is the first one I read since my return and I enjoyed it very much – I missed reading all the posts of my blogging friends while I was away. Now I have so many to read, and wouldn’t you know it – we had a leak in the kitchen during our absence which totally ruined the floor and now needs to be replaced soon. The sink and dishwasher are not working, so Thanksgiving dinner for us will have to be at the local diner. Thanks for all your comments on my blog.
I saw a black squirrel just yesterday. I actually stopped my car so I could get a closer look. Your post came at a perfect time!
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving!
Beautiful photos, DJan, as usual. I hadn't thought about black squirrels for a long time but I remember seeing them when I was in Toronto and then again in Bellingham. They are striking and gorgeous and unexpected, at least to me. You will look darling in the hat, BTW. :)
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow and THANK YOU for all your loving support.
DJan, I saw my first black squirrel last summer..they are interesting! I read somewhere that they came down out of Canada.. we have one that lives outside of the Historical Society Museum in town:)
ReplyDeleteOh DJan, the squirrels are adorable. I have yet to see a black squirrel in person so I really love the close ups of these little guys. All we have here in Walla2 are fox squirrels, they seem to have taken over. Thanks for posting these great pics.
ReplyDeleteIt is fun to see your knitting and Lynn's weaving, you are really creating some interesting pieces. My grandmother once tried to teach me to crochet but I couldn't sit still long enough, some things never change.