Garden of trillium |
We (Melanie and I) have just returned from our wonderful hike on Chuckanut Mountain, specifically the Lower Salal trail, along with some places along the Hemlock trail. We were going to Raptor Ridge, but due to our frequent stops to take pictures of the amazing trillium we met along the way, we didn't get there. Instead, we decided to shorten our eight-mile hike to five wonderful trillium-filled miles.
Gorgeous singleton |
I had been looking forward to this hike with Mel, one we take every springtime, looking for these lovely flowers, which sprout up quickly and last for a week or two, then are gone again for another year. It took us hours to navigate the Lower Salal, which was covered with the flowers everywhere we looked. That's the trouble with trillium, you can't just take one picture.
Melanie amongst the trillium |
If you notice, there are trillium both beside and behind her, and I think we managed to oooh and aaaaah over most of the ones we passed by. Plus, we took a LOT of pictures.
Pretty trio |
There were other sights as well, like the lovely trail that I love so much. And it was also a treat to be out there on a fine day with one of my best buds. Every once in awhile we would remember to be thankful for the place we live, and its many delights.
Lower Salal trail |
As we made our leisurely way to the junction with the Hemlock trail, we discussed whether we should try to visit Madrone Crest, but I decided that I would be happy if we just shortened our hike a little, since I am thinking I'm still recovering from all the exertion from last Thursday. Or at least that's what I used as an excuse. Mel was quite accommodating.
Me and my three-sided pal |
Melanie took this picture of me, where my guy said it looks like I am emerging from a salad. I wanted you to see my new hat, and also notice how happy I am to be sitting down for a quick moment. I don't know why I grew so tired so quickly, but I also know I will sleep well tonight.
Nature's bouquet
You know I have many, many more trillium pictures, but you really did need to be there to fully appreciate them. We did manage to cover 5.3 miles and climbed and descended around 1,300 feet of elevation. So it was not exactly an easy hike for me, but I did just fine, if I don't compare myself to anyone else, that is.
Melanie looking beautiful |
I smiled at this picture because it looks like she is holding these two gigantic trees upright, using all her impressive strength to keep them from falling (not really). It was just too cool a picture not to post, however. It was a very good day, and I was happy to come home feeling pretty good and not all worn out. Thanks, Mel!