Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Our weekly hike is up for grabs

Mountain gal
Melanie took this picture of me in front of Mt. Baker on our hike last week. I laughed when I saw it; I was using the scarf under my hat to keep the bugs away from my face, once we got to the ridge and I could take off my bug net. It was horribly hot and without much breeze, even on the ridge I was suffering from their constant assault. This helped a little.

Well, just yesterday Al sent around an email to the group to let us know he will not be hiking with us this Thursday. His wife is in the hospital with heart issues and is undergoing a series of tests. Hopefully she will be all right, but Al is understandably not willing to be out of reach for the day. He asked if anyone is willing to step in, and I foolishly said that I would be willing to go up to Church Mountain, rather than Lake Ann (which is long and mostly without any shade) if someone would share the leadership duties with me.

Now I'm wishing I hadn't volunteered, since now I'm on the spot. I've tried very hard not to get into a leadership position on the hikes, because I like to complain about how other people do it and how much better I'd be at it (not!). But so far, nobody has stepped up so maybe I can still back out. We'll see what happens. The smoke from the BC forest fires is still an issue, with a weather change in sight but not soon enough for Thursday. 

In the meantime, I've stocked up on repellent and bought a long-sleeved shirt. Sigh. Wish I'd kept my mouth shut.


  1. I also love hiking.. though I cannot go every weekend..

    Suddenly I found your blog.. you have a nice blog..

    Please visit: https://from-a-girls-mind.blogspot.com/

  2. Having someone share the duties is a good way to go instead of having all the responsibility yourself. Good luck with it, Jan.

  3. Good luck.
    I am sure that it will go well. And hope that Al and his wife have only positive news.

  4. Go for it! Get out there and lead the hike. People have confidence in you!

  5. I hope Al's wife will be okay.
    You'll have to let us know what happens with Thursday's hike. Good luck--whichever way you want the chiips to fall--LOL! ;)

  6. You would be great as a leader, DJan. I'd follow you anywhere...except into a parachute or insect ridden hike because I'm the one mosquitoes love the BEST.

  7. Hope Al's wife's test are all good. That can be scary. Since you are acting leader, use your new power and appoint a co-leader. That will teach them not to volunteer. Know it will be a success. Go for it. Let us know how it goes.

  8. Good for you for volunteering to lead the group! I'm sure you will do great. Hope your friend's wife is okay.

  9. You will be fine in the leadership role!

  10. My best to Al and his wife! Why not you? I am sure you can co lead with someone:)

  11. You gave me my best laugh of the day! Hope Al's wife is okay and he's soon back on the trail.

  12. Hope it all goes well.


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