Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Soggy hike

Joe took the picture

We were six quite damp Happy Wanderers before we finished our five-mile walk around Lake Whatcom. Joe, our leader, decided we would not make the drive to Anacortes for the scheduled hike but instead would stay close to home. It was more than a little wet; although I am wearing waterproof shoes (not working all that well) and a poncho over my raincoat, I was completely soaked before it was all over. It rained the entire time, although there were a few moments when the rain did lighten up a bit, but it made no difference. We were reconciled to being wet and had a good time anyway. At least it wasn't cold and windy, too.

Huddled under trees

We had a pretty good time while out and about, but I was thinking often how nice it would be to get home and climb into warm and dry clothes, which is just what I did as soon as I got there. We received almost an inch of rain, but now, around 5:00pm, it seems to have stopped. I'm glad I went, though.

The bridge over the falls

We weren't alone in the park, but we kept seeing the same people and dogs as we wandered around the area. We finally made it back to the Senior Center and most of us headed home right away. 

Yellow iris in the foreground

It was certainly green and lush, and in this picture you can see the rain falling in the pond. Even the ducks weren't around but probably hunkered down somewhere under the trees. However, it was so much better than not doing anything at all and staying home looking out at the rain. Thursday might have some rain, but after today it will seem like nothing.



  1. We were in Bellingham today to see Irene and I can attest to the rain never stopping. In fact it rained most of the way there and most of the way back home, including a stop in Bow and Edison, and then we finally drove south enough to find a completely dry Seattle. I'll do a short post tomorrow.

  2. You always manage to get out under poor conditions and have a good hike.

  3. I am so glad that you enjoyed yourself - and sure that the warm and dry clothes were a treat when you got home.

  4. I think I would do what the ducks did. 😊

  5. The bridge photo was just lovely DJan, but we are certainly cut from different cloths--I can't imagine such an extended hike in the rain. I admire your fortitude though!

  6. I don't mind a little summer rain, but probably wouldn't hike in it. You guys are such strong hikers. We awoke here in North Texas at 5:30 Tuesday morning with sirens blaring and tornado warnings. They say some had 80mph winds... and 600,000 without power. Our area was lucky, just some trees down and a few telephone poles.

  7. I can do without a wet, soggy hike, but one finds fun no matter what.

  8. The weather this week stopped me and it was nothing like you had. Determination thy name is Jan.

  9. You and your friends are indeed intrepid hikers. I am such a wuss that I wouldn't have even left home in that kind of weather.

  10. Reminds me of my childhood, I loved walking in the rain, a sturdy rainhat , wellingtons and macintosh and I was in my glory :)
    Beautiful photos and so refreshing !

  11. We live in a country where we also have many rains when walking, we always take raincoats or umbrella's with us. You never know.....

  12. Oh gosh... You even walk in the rain... and with soggy shoes no less. I'm glad it wasn't too cold for you.


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