Thursday, February 15, 2024

Took the day off

Snow from years past

Today I didn't feel like going on either hike scheduled with the Senior Trailblazers. They were both harder than what I felt like doing, so I decided instead to just walk from the coffee shop to Fairhaven, by myself. In my old pictures, I found this one that actually has some snow in it, coming down from the sky. It was almost exactly ten years ago that I took this picture and have no recollection of how I got that snow effect, if you can even see it.

"In Loving Memory of Henry Howard King"

Along Boulevard Park, I saw that there is now a permanent memorial bench for a homeless man who used to sit in this spot. He was murdered a year ago, and I only knew about it because of all the flowers that people had put in this area, with a picture of him and a short bio. Apparently he traded baseball cards for spare change, and he was gentle and peaceful. Whoever killed him sure did earn some bad karma for themselves. Many caring people decided to put up this memorial bench, and now here it is for all of us to enjoy. Godspeed, Henry.

I finally received that picture of our Tuesday hike, all the Senior Trailblazers who joined us on our trip to Samish Overlook on a lovely day. I am second from the left, taken by a kindly stranger. I sure think we have a lot of good people around here, people who are happy to help out when someone asks. And even put up memorial benches for homeless strangers. A nice place to live, indeed.

Happy Wanderers Feb 13 2024



  1. Lots of great smiles from your hikers. Hikers and birders are a happy bunch.

  2. So sad about that bench... meanwhile, I can't stop staring at your wintry snow photo. It's magical.

  3. I'm not sure how you got that snow pic. Something turned it into a video clip of some sort.

  4. Awesome pics, the top one especially.

  5. The snowy picture is fun. There are evil people out there who have no respect for life. The rest of your community sounds caring and thoughtful.

  6. Yes, could see the snow falling.
    So sad about the homeless man! How wonderful they put up that bench for him.

  7. Good pic of your group. You didn't have to pinpoint yourself as we can always find you. And yes, I could see the snow falling in the other pic too.

  8. I've been really enjoying all your posts, even if I haven't been able to comment. Hiking and coffee, two of my favourite things.

  9. I think you were smart to stay close to home on a snowy day. I would hate to read about you and/or your group being lost in a blizzard. The bench is nice, but it's a real shame the man wasn't honored more while he was alive.

  10. I often wonder about homeless people - who they are and what kind of lives they have lived. Senseless murders make me very sad.

    Lovely photo of snow falling!

  11. I see you, I see you!
    That's so sad about poor Henry. We have too many homeless people in Hawaii. Unfortunately, homes/shelters are so expensive here.
    That first photo with the snow is amazing.


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