Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Lots of rain and clouds

Carpet of wet leaves

This time of year, we expect rain, and we usually get it. Although this picture was taken a few years ago, it could have been taken today. It is rainy and misty right now, and it was yesterday, too. But the sun keeps coming out and drying everything back up, which is nice; it won't last, but for now I am enjoying the breaks.

Taken last Friday, Lily and me

I went bowling with my friends Lily and Ace again last Friday, and although I did enjoy it, I suppose that I will never be much good at it, unless I decide to take it seriously and spend more time learning the techniques. Yes, I can pretty much throw the ball down the lane and keep it out of the gutter (mostly), but if I get a second shot that has the pins all separated from one another, I'm at a loss. I didn't get even one strike in two full games, but I still had fun. A few lanes away, there was a senior bowling league taking up a couple of lanes, and I enjoyed watching these people who obviously know what they're doing doing so well. It's tempting, but I don't think I'll be joining any other groups for awhile yet. If ever.

I just learned that the local hike scheduled for Thursday has been changed to one from Artist Point in the mountains, once again. Frankly, I am disappointed because I was looking forward to another hike similar to the one I took in the Chuckanuts last week. I am debating whether or not to go. It's an hour and a half drive each way, but I haven't been to Artist Point this season, so if I'm going to see it, it's either now or wait until next spring. Sigh. Decisions, decisions.

In the meantime, I'm keeping myself entertained with some favorite TV shows, and I just finished watching a sci-fi adventure on AppleTV. It's not for everybody, but it's based on an Isaac Asimov volume that I read several times years ago. Although they changed much of the story, it's still recognizable as the one I enjoyed back then. And it does help to keep me away from watching the awful news of the day. That's a real plus, to my mind.

I do hope you are doing well, friends, and keeping yourselves active and paying attention to what is going on around you. I am constantly astounded by how many people don't even look up from their devices and notice the world around them. Just taking a breather now and then would be a plus! It's an especially pleasant time of the year in this part of the world, so rest assured I am smiling at the sparkling raindrops.



  1. Spent two hours outside sweeping leaves and getting some pictures. How's that for you?

  2. At your age you have to make some wise decisions whether you like them or not.

  3. The bowling sounds great! I actually brought this up a couple weeks ago at my own senior center, but it didn't get any takers. As for that rescheduled hike, yikes--I'd be pooped after the 90 minute drive to get there. Good luck DJan.

  4. I bowled years ago and really enjoyed the League I was in. We even did a couples league for a while. My husband was not a great fan of bowling, but he went anyway. My Dad bought me a beautiful red bowling ball with my name on it and a special bag to carry it in...good times. You would find a League fun:)

  5. I hear you on the news front. I cannot watch it. Just cannot.
    I love that you enjoyed the bowling, even though you are not good at it. It might be nice to see Artist Point - but that is a long drive. I totally understand your hesitation. Whatever you decide, have a lovely day.

  6. Devices are a real problem in our society. Some people out for a walk are on them. So sad! Our phone is for emergencies only when we are out and about.

  7. Hi DJan, I’ve been keeping a little notebook of quotations. The quotes come from my blogger friends’ posts when they say something that really hits the “nail on the head.” 😊 From this post, I want to thank you for this addition to my notebook: “I am constantly astounded by how many people don't even look up from their devices and notice the world around them.” Thank you for confirming my observations as well. John

  8. That's a long drive to walk at the end of it.

  9. I bowled once with friends and sprained my wrist, so never again.

  10. I too bowled in college and a few times since... never was any good, but it was fun (sort of). I used to read Isaac Asimov too, but it's been years. And hardly ever watch the news anymore. Enjoy your raindrops!

  11. I'm always trying to catch up with you, on blogs. I could never catch up with you on the move. :-)
    It's sunny today and 70 degrees is predicted! I'll go outside a do a bit of gardening, and hopefully a walk this afternoon.

  12. We're at that point where rany days are becoming snowy days.


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