Thursday, March 17, 2022

Rainy but warm hike

Forsythia coming into bloom

Yes, the weather gods were right about today: wet, even if the temperature was mild. We drove to Fairhaven to walk the Interurban trail, wipers on full as the rain came down on our way there. We of course donned all our rain gear and set out for a five-mile hike on St. Patrick's Day. I was sure that eventually it would let up a little, but it never did. I was just glad we chose a place close to home and one that Melanie and I could cut short if necessary.

Indian plum in bloom

Everywhere we looked, we saw Indian plum along the trail, all of it in full bloom, which means in no time at all there will be leaves filling in and creating a thick shrub. It also has a plum-shaped fruit that is purple-ish when ripe, but apparently the fruit is bitter even then. If you want to know more about Indian plum, I'm providing a link here.

Melanie looking at all the green

We walked down to the bridge in Arroyo Park, to see if there has been any progress since it was knocked down by a huge tree more than a year ago, but no, nothing has changed. When we turned around to head back, I thought this picture had enough green for St. Patrick's Day, with all the moss, Mel's green pack cover and raincoat, too. Fifty shades of green...

Springtime woodlands

On the way back, I saw some white blossoms emerging (on the left) and the stream below roaring by, making for a lovely woodland scene, which changes every time we visit the area. My mood did not improve today, as I was wishing that the rain would give us a break. It's rather unusual for us to have constant rain like this.

However, once we got back to the car, Mel pulled out some homemade cookies and chocolate, which I must say did make the day much more appealing. I watched the windshield wipers going back and forth as we drove back home. And now at home, it's a bit later and I can STILL hear the rain hitting the roof. At least I am warm and dry, feeling much more like myself. I was pleased that my new rain pants worked as expected. Let's hear it for good rain gear!



  1. No blooms here, but the temperature has been mild.

  2. Your forests are always green enough for St. Paddy's Day! Our forsythia might be in bloom by early May!

  3. We had rain here today as well. Tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny and 70 ... and I'm sure our forsythia will come out by the end of the day.

  4. You are more than two months ahead of our plants here on the east coast. It sounds like a great day in spite of the rain, Jan.

  5. Yay for good rain gear!
    And for homemade cookies and chocolate! :)

  6. This time you were unlucky and had rain. Most of the time I cannot believe how lucky you are and the rain stays away.

  7. 50 shades of green is a good description to describe your woodland walk. I dislike walking in the rain even with all the right clothing. I can't enjoy the surroundings with the rain on my glasses reducing my visibility. I hope it gives you a break soon.

  8. It seems unusual that your whole hike was rained upon. Usually you get a break. So glad you have the right gear and Mel had a nice reward for you at the end.

  9. Too bad about the rain, but cookies and chocolate in the car sound great!

  10. I agree about the cookies and chocolate. That would make up for the rain for me... although I like rain (but not necessarily being out in it).

  11. We were fortunate to have almost no rain until later in the day. The high school track meet stayed mostly dry.
    Good for you for slogging through the rain.

  12. Cookies and chocolate sounds terrific ...rain, not so much!!

  13. Rain is bringing the flowers! At least it is not snow!

  14. It's always extra perfect when we're wearing the appropriate clothing for our adventures. How wonderful that you and Mel can enjoy the many wonders of the changing seasons on your hikes.


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