Thursday, September 19, 2024

My new Thursday routine

Ptarmigan Ridge 2018

Instead of hiking with the Senior Trailblazers, like I did in this picture a few years ago, I worked again as a volunteer in the lunch session at the Senior Center, a strenuous two-and-a-half-hour scenario. I will be doing the same thing again next Thursday, since I won't be going on that hike either. Both today's and next week's are too hard for me these days. But I sure did have a good time on that hike in the fall six years ago. 

I've done all these hikes many times, and I've sure noticed a dropoff in my ability to keep up and make it fun like I did before. Now it's mostly an ordeal, and where's the fun in that? I did get almost 10,000 steps today as I scurried around the lunchroom, pouring coffee here, or helping a disabled person with her tray and finding a place to sit. It's very satisfying, but it's a little tiring, too. Which is fine with me; I wouldn't be happy just sitting and watching other people work.

I came home and ate my own lunch, which we volunteers get without having to pay anything for it. It was lovely, and I am beginning to think that the Tuesday hike will begin to be my weekly long workout. For those interested, my phone, which got a good washing in my laundry, is working just fine. I am truly amazed at how much the phones have improved over the years. I won't be needing to buy another one for awhile.

It's been a good summer around here, never getting terribly hot, and now the first day of fall is coming this Sunday. We won't be expecting any of the heat that many of my friends have had to endure, and now we have my favorite part of the year coming up, when it's not too hot and not too cold. As my eighty-second birthday looms, I am quite happy that I've been blessed with such good health and hope it will continue for a bit longer. 



  1. A good non hiking day but you managed lots of steps and it sounds like you enjoyed yourself too!

  2. You've moved on from one valuable activity to another. /AC

  3. Sounds like a fabulous way to get your exercise! :)


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