Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A long town walk

On the Sehome Arboretum lookout

Today, the Happy Wanderers went a-wandering in a long town walk. Our leader, Barb, led us all to the bus station, where we took a bus to Lake Padden. I was so happy to learn about this bus route, a new one for me. Sixteen of us exited the bus at the West Entrance and headed down to the bathrooms first of all, and then onto the trail that would take us to the the Lake Padden Gorge. There is an area there that people use as a memorial of sorts, and we looked for the rocks we placed there, but alas they were gone. 
Pretty heart shaped spot

There was this pretty heart-shaped display, probably having taken some of our rocks to make it, and it was nice enough that I didn't mind. After seeing the Gorge, we headed off to some other trail that would take us to the Sehome Arboretum, and the first picture is taken from the top of the tower, the highest place we reached today.

Pencil-straight trees on the trail

After seeing the sights from here, we descended into town, for a walk on the streets that would take us back to town. I was surprised at some of the detours that I didn't know existed, but now I have some more fun places to explore. 

After we walked back to town, making it a bit more than six miles, I split off from the group so that I could catch a bus home. It was a really beautiful way to spend my Tuesday morning with such good friends. Then I got home and headed to our laundry room to get myself some clean clothes. Unfortunately, I accidentally washed my iPhone. I found it in the washer as I was putting everything into the dryer, but I went immediately to my sweet partner to find out how bad the damage to my phone might be.

It is an iPhone12, and it turns out that, other than needing to dry out before I try to plug it in to charge it, it seems to be working okay, but that was quite a scare! It seems to be working, but I cannot be sure until I am able to charge it successfully. Anyway, I am optimistic. Just not a good way to end a really good day, eh?



  1. A new hike, a new bus route, and new detours... always a delight to learn something new. But sorry about your iPhone. Hope it continues to work!

  2. Not a good end to the day at all. I am pleased it seems to be ok. My phone is much older and I am pretty sure that a washing would kill it.

  3. I hope the phone dries out well and works afterward, Jan. It was a great day before the phone took a swim!

  4. What a miracle that the iPhone is fine. What a pleasant hike!

  5. If your iPhone works, that is a miracle. I left mine in a pocket when I got home from school one day. Immediately put a load of clothes in to wash, including those pants. When I heard a terrible banging in the washer, I realized what had happened. Sure enough, the phone was really "banged up." Wouldn't even turn on. Had to get a new phone a bit earlier than planned, but it worked out well for Terry. He usually took my old phone but this time he got to buy a new one too since the old one was dead.

  6. Sounds like a marvelous day other than the phone. I am amazed it is working and I hope it continues to work! :)

  7. A clean phone is always good, eh, huh? You are lucky! Linda in Kansas

  8. It the phone works, I guess you'll have only clean talk for a while :-)

  9. Wow! I'm amazed it survived a washing. It's sure good to know though. I'm so glad you had a great exercise with buddies, DJan. You are my role model.


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