Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Cornwall Park and a wonderful potluck

Happy Wanderers at Squalicum Beach

Today more than thirty Happy Wanderers met at the Senior Center to carpool to Cornwall Park before heading over to Joe and Barbara's home in the neighborhood. We walked around five miles before we went to their home to have barbeque'd hot dogs and hamburgers. Everyone brought some other food, mostly salads and some delightful desserts.

Joe and Barbara at their grill

One thing I notice about this group is how often we seem to end up eating together. It was a familiar hike for me, since I spend quite a bit of time in Cornwall Park, but it was the first time I enjoyed another delightful time eating with these people. It was a lot of fun, and then I left (living quite close by) and got home in time to head into my car and make my way to my hairdresser's house to get a much-needed haircut. 

A cloudy day, very cool and perfect for walking, made for a really wonderful atmosphere. Now I am getting ready to enjoy some horizontal relaxation (that is, sleep). I sure am enjoying cool and cloudy weather for a change.



  1. I am enjoying the cooler weather too, although when I went out for my neighborhood walk in mid morning the clouds open up a hole for the sun and it got rather warm. Cooling off when i got home took a while.

  2. Sounds like a fun day. My skating group had coffee after every skate.

  3. I think it is great that you guys have these gatherings for pot lucks. And you even fit in a haircut! :)

  4. Healthy people with healthy appetites.

  5. Time to relax and share a meal. Sounds perfect!

  6. I love breaking bread with loved ones! My kind of fun!

  7. I liked the look of Squalicum Beach... overcast and cloudy. And having pot luck with fellow hikers sounds fun,

  8. That's my kind of meal after a hike. Sounds great!


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