Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A new beginning

Lily and me at Evolve Restaurant

It seemed like ages since I had spent any time with my dear friend Lily, so we made plans to visit on Sunday. She is having some back issues, and I am still dealing with my own recalcitrant body, so instead of a walk, we ended up eating at the Evolve Restaurant and each having a beer. I like IPAs, and she likes lagers, so we were both very happy with our choices, along with our meals. I had avocado toast and she had a salad. Those two poached eggs on top of the toast were quite tasty and felt almost like an indulgence. It doesn't really matter where you eat out these days; it's getting pricey everywhere.

Today marks the beginning of a new era for me. I'm thinking it's time to stop hiking every week with the Senior Trailblazers. My eyesight is deteriorating and now, so is my body. After the fall a month ago, it has been like I've moved into another place, and it's becoming more of a challenge to go on anything very long or steep. I might be better after more time passes, but it feels really different. I'm going to find other activities that make me feel whole again. I know that it's possible, with some experimentation and by surrounding myself with good people whom I love.

It's also wonderful to have a community of people like me to hang out with. My time at the Senior Center is always gratifying, and I think I'll find new ways to volunteer, since I find it fulfilling and worthwhile. If my eyes were better, I'd again take up reading books, but I can always listen to them instead. I've been learning how to get  more information via the spoken word rather than reading. I'm ready for a new beginning!


  1. Adapting to life as we age is such an important part of life as a senior. Life evolves as we adapt. It sounds exciting, Jan. Enjoy!

  2. Congratulations! I am happy for you. Keep evolving and adjust to your body’s changes.

  3. Good to see Lily again! I bet you had a great visit. You just need some time to fully recover, so be patient with yourself. I bet by Summer you can hike short distances:)

  4. In your community you will find others who just want to take pleasant walks and talks. Soon just being outside will bring the fragrances of spring. Summer sun will warm you as you take pleasant morning strolls. There will always be something to look forward to.


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