Saturday, April 7, 2018

Laughter is the best medicine

Wonder what was so funny?
My friend John sent me this picture along with some others, all from Texas, some funny and some that I would call groaners. This one is so much fun to look at and think about that I thought it would provide a perfect Saturday chuckle for all of us.

The wind and rain this morning accompanied the ladies as we walked on the university campus. Today must be when the students who are getting ready for next semester show up, because they were everywhere, being led from place to place in groups of several dozen at a time. What is it about students that marks them as such? I wondered if some of them are from out of state and wondering if today's weather is typical. Yes, unfortunately, it is.

We have quite a spell of unsettled weather ahead for the next week. I am so ready for warm spring sunshine to take over!


  1. I've seen that one occasionally used for memes.

    It's cold and clear here today.

  2. Big smiles (and laughter) never goes astray. Hope your week to come is full of both.

  3. So cute, it made me giggle :)
    Hopefully spring weather will soon return, nothing to laugh at there, unless you like snow !

  4. Fun photo!
    While it's stormy here at least it isn't snowing!

  5. Priceless photo! A treasure indeed!

    I trade you sun for warmer temperatures, Jan. We have snow every day here.

  6. Tell John it's a great photo. Spring seems to be absent this year.

  7. "... so ready for warm spring sunshine to take over." You and me both!

  8. Wonderful photo! It really says c'mon, laugh with me!

  9. That picture is priceless. Love it. Hang in there, Spring has to be coming. Hopefully we don't go straight to Summer.

  10. Great picture!
    Goodness! Students already checking out colleges for next fall. Is that a sign of spring, too--LOL! :)

  11. You can't help but smile at that photo. I wish I could smile as I look out of the window but, no, it is very grey and raining again!

  12. Dear DJan, yesterday--here in the midwest--we had a one-inch snowfall. It covered the grass and the shrubs, but the pavement was warm enough that nothing settled there. It's chilly and the snow was a wet one so when I went out this morning to walk across the street to the mailbox (where I put in some letters for the carrier to pick up) I could feel that wet cold in the marrow of my bones!!!! Like you, I am so ready for spring weather. Winter just has a grip of spring this year. Won't let it go!

    Thanks for the photo. It made me smile--broad and wide. Peace.

  13. What a great photo! It made me smile, it was so amusing. Take care, DJan, and I hope you have better weather though the forecast doesn't look so good.


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