Thursday, July 25, 2024

Unusual Thursday hike

Rainy Church Mountain

 Today ten Senior Trailblazers met at the Senior Center to start our trek into the High Country, Church Mountain to be exact. We haven't seen rain in weeks, but by the time we got to the trailhead, it was raining rather heavily. It was an interesting feeling to be wearing rain gear once again, and I was glad I had brought it all.

So green, so lush, so... wet

We really did think it would stop before long, and we started up the long slog to the meadows, going slowly and I for one was enjoying the rain and very cool weather. But when we were about halfway up to the meadows, one of our number started having real difficulty navigating the steep incline. We began to stop more frequently,  and when he suggested staying behind and letting the rest of us go ahead, our leader, Owen, said that we would all head back to the trailhead. Several people in our group had never been there before, so they get another chance later in the summer to experience the hike in its totality.

Heading back down

This is not a long hike, six miles in total, and I think we went somewhere more than three, with plenty of elevation gain and loss, but it's the first time ever that I've come down from this particular hike not feeling sore or worn out. It was still a real adventure, and I am very glad I decided to attempt it, and very glad I was not the one who was responsible for having to turn around. It was the right thing to do, and we are all now home and dry.

Interestingly, it didn't rain in Bellingham at all. The fierce sun greeted us once we left the mountains, and everywhere was dry. So, we got a nice forest bath and enjoyed each other's company. We ate lunch in the parking lot before heading home. You can never tell what you will be facing when you hike with the Senior Trailblazers. I'm glad that the person who had trouble breathing seemed to be fine once we began to descend.

Life is filled with surprises, but it's important to put yourself out there to see what emerges. I'm happy and finally dry!



  1. The right decision was made to turn back. In all my years of hiking with kids , we turned back once when the snow was unexpected and too deep.

  2. I am glad that you are dry - and feel your relief that someone else was responsible for the turn back - which sounds like a wise decision.

  3. No-one could ever accuse you of not putting yourself out there.


  4. You did well, Jan. Forest bathing is good for the spirit!

  5. Very nice of the leader to call it quits when a situation becomes serious, glad you are all back safely.

  6. I just came from seeing my Physical Therapist. She has been wonderful through the years I have gone to see her. She is ready to release me for 6 months, with all the exercises I need to keep doing. She says she can see improvement! It has been so slow in coming. I shared with her what I have been doing, she cheered me on and told me to "keep doing things".
    The things I am doing are nothing compared to your adventures, but for all us us, the message is to keep on keeping on.

  7. Sounds like a wise leader and a good decision. Glad the person could breathe better as you descended! A little forest bathing was a good day. :)


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