Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Looking for inspiration

Snow on the chicken coop

 It's late in the day, and I went to the coffee shop first thing as usual, walked three miles home, and wanted to show you that we got some snow this morning. I took this on the way home. Afterwards, I spent some time playing on my laptop and reading blogs and emails, and then I had my monthly acupuncture treatment in Fairhaven. 

And just like that, the day is over. I came home and spent a little time chatting with SG, fixed myself a late lunch, and then decided I'd better get going or I wouldn't ever get this Tuesday post written and done. I just couldn't find a subject and decided that the snow would have to be enough of an event to write about it. Boring...

So then I got on Facebook and read a little of my friends' posts, and I learned that another acquaintance has died, this time a woman younger than me who died of cancer. Sometimes I have to remember how lucky I am to be in relatively good shape for an elder, and that thought gave me the impetus to pour myself a glass of wine and get started.

I went over to the Bellingham group on Facebook called "Seeing Bellingham" and found this lovely picture taken by Doug Brown in Fairhaven this morning (obviously).

J.J. Donovan

I pass by this status whenever I visit the Village Bookstore just down the street from this statue. He's usually not looking so frosty. I had to look up the information to find out who this guy was.
John Joseph (J.J.) Donovan arrived in Fairhaven in 1888 at the invitation of Nelson Bennett for the purpose of building a railroad which would transport coal from his mine on the Skagit River to be shipped from the newly-settled town of Fairhaven. 
 He is writing a letter to his wife, which is easily read when you're looking over his shoulder, about the town of Fairhaven. "In the letter, J.J. is describing the four towns on Bellingham Bay:  Fairhaven, Bellingham, Sehome and Whatcom.  The town of Bellingham would soon become part of Fairhaven later that year.  In 1904 a City of Bellingham would be formed when Fairhaven and Whatcom were consolidated." (This information is from a website on Fairhaven History.)

That is a much more interesting picture and story than my lame chicken coop attempt, so forgive me, Doug, for snagging your cool picture to make my post more interesting!



  1. Even if it's not your own photo, you always manage to share some interesting images DJan. Love the sculpture of JJ Donovan, 10 times more when I blew it up to full size. 🙂👍

  2. Donovan sounds like an interesting guy. But this is what you said that caught my eye and seems so true: "And just like that, the day is over."

  3. Oooh, that's a lot of cold. I'm glad you enjoy the cold weather. Thanks for sharing your historical figure while he sits now in the cold weather. Wonder what he would think of your photo and how he is remembered, all these decades afterwards.

  4. I missed the chicken coop thing at the beginning of the post. These four town names bounce around. I didn't know that they were very close together.

  5. I hope the chickens aren't in the coop! It's cold. Your guy looks like he's holding up well in the snow; nice company on the bench. Linda in Kansas

  6. We are hotter than I like and your cool photos are a blessed relief. Thank you.

  7. Love that statue! I can picture myself sitting next to him on that bench!

  8. I really like statues of people on benches like that... so much more than the odd sculpture of scrap metal or whatever (but that's just me). When we walk the mall, sometimes our granddaughter will point out a weird sculpture and say, "what is that?" I can only shake my head and say, "no idea".
    And I too hope the chickens from that coop are somewhere warm.

  9. II love that sculpture. Thanks for including it in your post.

  10. I have been there and read over JJ's shoulder.
    I know what you mean about reminding myself of how lucky I am, because even with my troubles, It could be so much worse. I think of that just about every day.

  11. What a beautiful statue, thank you for sharing. I too hope that the little chickens are warm and safe.

  12. The chicken coop in the snow was good - and the story of the statue also good.

  13. Well, you managed to fill a post, and the sculpture is interesting and his story too.

  14. Kay of Musings: Of course, you mention Skagit Valley and I’m automatically thinking of spring and tulips. It’s fun seeing the snow coated statue of Donovan writing to his wife.

  15. I know I’m really late to comment on this post. I’ve just been scrolling through some DJan-ity posts I’ve missed. I thought the picture of J J Donovan was so interesting and made even more so with the big Fat Pie sign in the background. 😊


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