Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sauk reminiscences

Trailhead for Sauk Mountain

Today an unknown number of Senior Trailblazers drove the long distance to the Sauk Mountain trailhead. I didn't go, and probably am done hiking this lovely place, since the switchbacks are quite extensive, in full sun, and with my limited vision, I decided I didn't need to go there. So I went back into my old posts and found that I've gone up this trail six times already, the first time in 2009.

Those endless switchbacks

If you look carefully, you can see some hikers on the trail. What I remember most about this hike are the wonderful wildflowers and spectacular views, and these narrow and dusty switchbacks.

The wildflowers are abundant

Most people just hike straight to the high point and skip going down to Sauk Lake, but a couple of times we did go down to the lake. These hikers are on their way down.

Sauk Lake

I don't think today's hikers will go down to the lake. What I remember most about it is that there were lots of biting flies and mosquitos, and it wasn't worth going all the way down there, so I only went that one time. Three daring hikers stripped down and jumped in. Now that would have been pretty nice, I suspect.

The Skagit Valley below

There are so many beautiful things to see that I am sure the hikers today will come back with lots of adventures to share. I look forward to hearing them but am glad that I went instead on a short five-mile flat walk in relatively cool temperatures.

Peekaboo Mt. Baker

This was one of my favorite pictures, and it seems I took it many times, as I perused my old posts and saw it anew each time. And somehow I feel happy to have gone there, been one of the hikers, and happy to simply look back at it from my easy chair today. There are advantages to getting old!



  1. You are no slouch for doing five miles in coolness instead. Your memories serve you well.

  2. That would have been quite a challenge in the heat! You did a great walk anyway! Anything but cool here. It finally stopped raining…the last of Beryl. She was a wet one!

  3. Five miles is a good day! You have lots of good memories...I recall a bear sighting one time on one of your hikes!

  4. You have some things that can never be taken away from you.

  5. I am so glad that you have these precious memories - and that you could pass up on today's hike.

  6. You still did five miles!!
    Aren't you glad you've been able to take all those photos along the way all these years! :)

  7. I'd be estatic to do five miles. Good for you. Beautiful photos.

  8. Great pics, DJan. I really enjoyed enlarging them. I'm a bit behind on my reading posts as I'm afraid that Covid finally caught me.

  9. You did well to stay home and not sulk. 😉

  10. This post is basically a perfect example of why I started a blog. That was about 13 years ago and it is so comforting today to know I can go back and review what was going on earlier in life. Yes, I know, kinda heavy! 😊Anyway, thanks for your Sauk reminiscences! The large images are spectacular!

  11. Interesting how you can take the same picture over and over, and still appreciate it anew.


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