Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Nice walk around town

Looking toward Holly Street

Today the Happy Wanderers broke up into two groups, to keep the size smaller, and to give us Senior Trailblazers an option. Joe took eight people on the road from the Senior Center to Anacortes, to hike around Heart Lake. The other group, led by Barb, set out on foot from the Senior Center to Squalicum Harbor on the last projected day of our latest heat wave.

I split off from the group once we got back onto the bus routes, and I took a bus from Dupont Street to Birchwood Center, cutting off a couple of miles from the hike. By the time I did that, it was quite hot and I just needed to get out of the heat. The bus was delightfully air conditioned, and then I walked the half mile home in relative comfort. It was another great way to spend the morning, and now that it's early afternoon, my thoughts are trending toward that cold beer with my name on it. I still got around five miles on relatively flat ground.


When it started out, it was gloriously comfortable and a light breeze made it perfect, as we headed to the harbor, having lots of time to stop and look around at the scenery, We didn't hurry. When we passed through a bridge, we saw a family of raccoons looking for breakfast.

Checking us out as we peeked at him

I have had some unpleasant moments with these creatures, and I know they are omnivorous and very cunning as well. One ate a pet duck of mine years ago, and although I know this is nature's way, I was upset enough that I give these guys a wide berth. I have to admit this one is cute, though.

Seniors practicing tai chi

On the lawn at the Harbor, we saw a group practicing their tai chi moves. You can also see how dry it's been, since this expanse is usually quite green and lush. I did consider that it would be fun to take this practice up again.  Long ago I was quite proficient at it, but I only remember a few of the opening moves.

From here, we walked to a coffee shop and enjoyed a nice break, with some people ordering iced drinks and others, like me, simply quaffing down a bit of water. The heat has made it hard for me to eat and drink very much. It's important to drink lots of water when it's hot, so I try. But it continues to be a struggle.


  1. I hope your heat lifts soon. Very soon. Five miles when it was too hot for comfort? You certainly deserve that beer.

  2. Sounds like you are being careful out in this heat. Good! I hope it lets up like they predict. :)

  3. I could not exercise out in an open field in the direct sunshine. My farmer girl days of heat tolerance are long gone. I'm glad you had a good morning of exercise and companionship.

  4. It's very hot here too. I won't be outside much until cooler weather returns.

  5. Difficult to walk in the heat. Yesterday I cut my walk short because of the rain. I just don't enjoy the walking in the pouring rain.

  6. We’ve been out early too. Our latest heatwave may break today. Water has been the key for us.

  7. Loved the raccoon and seniors working out. DJan, you've always had a talent for taking pictures.

  8. I said a hello to a raccoon today heading for its den before the heat started up.

  9. We've had some days hot enough that it was really too uncomfortable to be outside.


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