Thursday, June 6, 2024

Lookout Mountain to Galbraith

Starting out today

Ten Senior Trailblazers met at the Senior Center to start our hike from Lookout Mountain over to Galbraith and back. Our leader, Joe, told us it was about nine miles and around 2,000 feet up and back. In other words, a "moderate" hike verging on "strenuous." At least, that was how this particular Senior felt about it. Although it was a sunny day, we hiked in sun and shade until we left the mountain we started out on and made our way over to Galbraith, going along the Rufus Creek trail until we met the logging road that would take us to our neighboring mountain, Galbraith.

Sitting in the wooden seat

Joe led us relentlessly across the trails until we got to Galbraith and ended up at the place where a bench with carved feathers and two large crow sculptures grace the scene. It's at the beginning of a trail that is the steepest on the mountain, a place where bike enthusiasts enjoy a long, terrifying bike trail. We, of course, were simple hikers who were interested more in the view from this spot of Mt Baker and the Sisters.

Mt Baker and the Sisters from our lunch spot

We stopped here for a lovely sunny and somewhat shady spot to enjoy our lunch, after having covered more than four miles and a fair bit of upward climb as well. From here, Joe told us we would take logging roads back to our original mountain, Lookout, and would rejoin the Rufus Creek trail.

Today's group enjoying the sunshine and view

When we started back, we enjoyed seeing all the bikers heading up to enjoy the thrills and chills they were looking for. We, of course, were much more circumspect, being Seniors and all, but we had just as much fun in our own way.

One of the side trails

We saw one biker tackle this bridge and downhill trail before we trekked back from the excitement and found our own logging road challenge. It was quite long, at least for me, but we did get back to our own mountain after all.

Crossing a stream

We headed down the trail, crossing several streams, wondering which, if any, was Rufus Creek, but we finally got to the trails that led us back to our starting point at the Lookout Mountain parking lot. We had covered at least nine miles, and plenty of elevation and my body felt every bit of it at the end. Now I am fed, watered, and showered and feel quite happy to have accomplished such a hike! 



  1. Those longer hikes are OK as long as you take your time.

  2. WELL DONE. Not something I could do, but I really enjoyed coming with you - and I love that chair.

  3. That seems like a fairly major hike to me, so good for you.

  4. Is this a new place for you to hike, DJan? I don't recall this hike in previous posts. Of course my memory is shot... so, it's probably just me. I like the carved chair too. Wish you had gotten a pic of the carved crows. (I like crows!)

  5. Enjoy these moments! Difficult hike, indeed.

  6. That was a long hike, but quite beautiful. Glad to be back home, I'm sure. :)

  7. You are so lucky to have such trails, such great weather, and to be able to handle it yourself! I hope you know how lucky you are!

  8. Congratulations on completing 9 miles of rigorous hiking. You are right to be proud of your accomplishment.

  9. Wooow! 9 miles?!? That is absolutely amazing! I'm not getting any exercise these days... sigh.


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