Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fragrance Lake

Group from the viewpoint

Our leader, Cindy (just recently back from her European adventures) took this picture while we, the Senior Trailblazers hiking group, gathered at the overlook, on our way to Fragrance Lake.  We thought we might extend the hike a little and have lunch at Clayton Beach, but the weather was threatening rain, which we had a little of as the day progressed. So, we skipped that part and instead went to this overlook and then when we got to the lake, we took a trip around it.

One of my favorite trees on the way to the lake

We took the trail up to the lake, and I never fail to notice this pretty tree and the narrow path between it and its neighbor. The trail was, as always, lush and green with a few lonely trillium still in bloom.

Time for a little snack

Once we got to the lake, we took some time to rest and replenish our energy. It is about two miles of climb to the lake, covering around a thousand feet of elevation, so it isn't ever a bad time for a snack, or even an early lunch.

Fragrance Lake today

You can see the lake was still, dark and a little brooding, as we made our way around it before heading back down the logging road. It gave us a nice loop of somewhere around six or seven miles in total.


On the road, we pass by a waterfall, which looks different every time I see it. There have been times when it was flowing so hard that the roaring water covered the entire road where I was standing, but today it was gentle and rather sedate. It didn't make it any less beautiful, though. We returned to our cars and headed back to the Senior Center. Another wonderful day in the wilderness, tuning up our muscles and strengthening our spirits. It's always great to be outdoor with good friends. And it didn't really rain on us, just a sprinkle now and then. We were pleased with the day's efforts.



  1. Thank you so much for sharing the beauty. Over the years I have been with you to Fragrance Lake many times - and I love it.

  2. It stayed dry here on Whidbey Island too until just about 20 minutes ago. A squall is blowing through with light rain. We had lots of wind the last few days though.
    Now we are gathering up and tidying up to return home. Jill will arrive later tonight.

  3. I find groups I go out with energizing. I know how you feel.

  4. I'll say it that you take more pictures than you used to. So very pretty there. :)

  5. Fragrance Lake always sounds beautiful before we ever see it. A beautiful area and great company! Have a great day, Jan.

  6. I wonder why it's called Fragrance Lake.

  7. I'm with Gigi, I was wondering that too. Really liked the top photo from the viewpoint, DJan.

  8. I really like that 2nd pic of the path through the trees...


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