Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Big Rock Garden

Some of today's (23!) Happy Wanderers

Today, our leader Joe took the Happy Wanderers to the Big Rock Garden Sculpture Park to enjoy the blooming rhodies and azaleas, along with all the lovely sculptures in the park. It was a perfect day, with almost two dozen of us Seniors starting out from the parking lot across from the Barkley Village grocery store. We took the Klipsun trail up some steep stairs and some other trails before we ended up at Big Rock Park.

Beautiful flowers and lots of maple trees

It was a sunny day by the time we got to the park, and the sunlight coming through the trees, lighting up the leaves and making the rhodies and azaleas sparkle, transformed the day into an unforgettable outing. Plus many of the traveling Seniors have returned from their European adventures, so it was great to catch up and hear some of their stories.

Tree of Life sculpture

Although I did take pictures of some of the sculptures, my eye kept returning to the light coming through the trees, and I ended up walking through the wonderland of green without remembering to appreciate most ogf the art.


We were given almost an hour's time to wander by ourselves or together with others to enjoy the garden. I learned that there are many different kinds of maple trees in the garden, and I was told that, for a real treat, I should come back in the fall when the leaves change color. I will try to remember to do that.

Trail through magnificence

By the time we got back to our starting point, we had walked around five miles or so, and in the company of so many of our companions, no one seemed in the least tired by the time we returned to the cars. I could have kept going myself for a while longer, but it was time to separate and dream of upcoming hikes yet to be experienced this season. Ahhh!



  1. How very, very beautiful. I would have loved to have been there with you and the band of wanderers.

  2. This is an interesting type of hike where you visit a place. If It was me, I'd give you an assignment.

  3. Wow! 23! What a good group. Beautiful place to see in bloom. I bet the maples would be stunning in the fall. They are my favorite fall tree for colorful beauty. :)

  4. Now that is my kind of hike! We'll do doing something like that on a smaller scale when we visit Meerkerk Garden tomorrow on Whidbey Island.

  5. That looks like a great place and something different from your usual hikes.

  6. That trail photo is a keeper. The setting is incredible!

  7. I love art, and I love those sculptures! Wow!

  8. This is my kind of hike - more like strolling than hiking.

  9. Now that sound like a fabulous hike!

  10. What a fun place to hike! Lots to look at!


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