Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Well, that was embarrassing

Foursome at the trailhead

Boy, did I ever make a mistake today. On a rainy and windy day, our leader Persis (in the blue above) took the four of us out to Stimpson Nature Reserve for a gentle almost five-mile walk around the Reserve. I've done this hike many times before, but today will be one I will never forget.

As you might remember, just three weeks ago, I took a bad spill on the ice and have  been recovering ever since. I did my first yoga class yesterday without any hiccups, so today I figured I would be able to do this rather gentle (and not too long) hike today. I was so wrong. Although there was a little initial discomfort in my back, it was miniscule and gave me false hope that I would be able to do it. 

Geneva Pond

I'm pretty sure that those of you reading this might know what occurred by the time we got to the pond, a little less than halfway around the shorter loop. (There are two loops, one harder and longer and one easier. We did them both.) Not long after I took this picture, I began to feel quite a bit of discomfort in my back, and I took some Advil. One of the women suggested that she and I return without making the longer loop, but I said I would be just fine. One of my least attractive qualities is denial. I wanted to be better so bad that I made these three women suffer along with me.

Corrine and Sue on the trail

Other than continuing to be drippy, the wind had died down and the only sound as we made our way back to the starting point was me, yelling in pain and downing lots of pills, hoping for some respite. They slowed down with me, but eventually I was lying in the wet moss on the side of the trail and crying, wanting the pain to let up. Somehow I managed to make it back to the trailhead, with the help of all these women. We took twice to three times longer than we should have, but what could they do? They couldn't very well carry me (though I pleaded for them to try), and now I am home, sitting in my recliner and feeling little pain, but it still hurts when I try to stand.

I know that many of you might have predicted this outcome, but I didn't want to believe I was still on the injured list. I am embarrassed that I ruined a perfectly good outing for them, and that I continue to make these unfortunate decisions. You can bet that I will be making some different choices in the future. Kudos to my dear helpers who didn't leave me behind, although I'll bet they did think about it.



  1. Oh Jan. It had to be brutal in such pain. I understand how eagerness to get back to your previous activities may cause you to do too much too soon. I’ve done that too. I hope you continue to improve and that you will be back to your previous activity soon. But not too soon.

  2. Well, I think you learned a painful lesson. Five mile hikes are for non-injured persons. Start gradually, and measure your turn around point. You'll get better faster by not hurting yourself. (Speaking from experience)

  3. I'm sorry to ear that you've had a set back. Don't beat yourself up on the decision you made to hike. You will recover.

  4. Oh DJan, I'm so sorry this happened. Sometimes we think we are just physically stronger than we are... at the moment, anyway. Hopefully you haven't set yourself back, just learned a lesson not to overdo too soon. Take care. Sending hugs!

  5. You're in your 80s. Stop it. I don't mean forever, but just stop it for now. Walk a mile or so in the city if you must. (I am not yelling although it it may seem that way. I am being stern in a teacher-like way. 😇 )

  6. I think Linda nailed it, “Five mile hikes are for non-injured persons.” Lesson learned.

  7. Terrible, not only for you but also for the others. I know how it feels to be in pain. Something similar happened recently when I walked to and from the Pali Lookout. Thank God for the kind tourists who helped me to my car. They were Angels of Mercy.

  8. Moderation is not in your can do attitude. You need to work up again slowly...hope that your set back doesn't set you back for too long. Maybe just steps for awhile:) So glad your friends did not leave you alone.

  9. I totally understand your desire to be back on the trail, with your friends, enjoying the great outdoors. Perhaps not such a long trail the next time. Build up gradually. You'll get your groove back soon enough.

  10. I wouldn't have predicted this outcome DJan, because I thought you were smarter than that. Be patient and build up slowly!

  11. Been hearing Bellingham on the news for a rash of earthquakes. Have these been felt by you and yours?

  12. I'm afraid that was a really painful lesson. But you've been so fit, I can imagine how difficult it was to give up. However, I'm glad you learned what limitations you might have now.


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