Tuesday, October 10, 2023

My non-routine Tuesday

Interurban trail today

I didn't go again with the Happy Wanderers today, although I kind of wanted to. It was raining this morning, and I had to get to the clinic for my blood draw at 7:30am. That meant I would probably miss a chance to join the other Senior Trailblazers in time. And since I hadn't had any breakfast or (my main need) coffee, I decided to simply make my way to the coffee shop in the wind and rain after the bloodwork part was done. Sure enough, I wouldn't have made it in time, but instead I enjoyed a really especially tasty cup of coffee and a marionberry scone with my friend John.

Then, I had a completely different day, since my chance to hike with my friends was gone, and there was the possibility of going to the Senior Center and taking the Zumba Gold class, but I just didn't feel like it. The news has been really difficult to process lately, and headed home and spent some time with my partner, just being grateful for our humdrum life and our connection to one another.

I decided to ride the bus to Fairhaven, since the rain had lessened, and walked the interurban trail by myself, for about four miles or so. You can see in that picture what a beautiful trail it is, and I enjoyed listening to a podcast as I walked. It really helped my spirit to be out in nature. 

When I tried to return to Bellingham via bus, I accidentally took one that would arrive back at the downtown station sometime, but not until after we took a circuitous route through campus, so students could get back to their dorms. The bus was eventually quite full, actually more than full, and another bus took the stragglers that couldn't fit on ours. The driver then took the dozen or so riders to another stop, so that yet another bus could take them to their destinations. It was actually rather exciting to be involved in the melee, but it sure did take a bit of time to get to the station, where I could catch another bus back to my neighborhood.

But indeed I did make it home, and now I'm writing my usual Tuesday post, a bit late, but feeling very glad to have gotten out and about. I'm feeling much better and even a bit centered and happy to be watching the rain from inside. Aahhh....



  1. That is a beauty of a trail, Jan. Trails are a great investment n the health and wellness of a community.

    The news has been awful. I find I can’t content myself to settle at anything. Such a senseless loss of life!

  2. It's a goo thing you know how your bus system runs. It sounds confusing.

  3. When you live in a town, there are no buses. Some have tried from time to time, but the threshold population isn't here to make them viable.

  4. Sounds like you made do and had a very nice day regardless. Sometimes it is fun to change up the routine. :)

  5. Your urban trail looked like a peaceful one, you always manage to impress me with your off the cuff adventures DJan. And I've never heard of a marionberry scone, but now I want one!

  6. I am glad that you made the very best of a day that would have discombombulated me big time. Well done.
    And yes, the news is beyond awful. That trail would have helped immensely.

  7. I am glad your wellbeing was improved with the help of nature and exercise.

  8. The news is depressing. What can we do? My own aches and pain don't make me feel better. Ah, well, maybe I should ride the bus, too.

  9. A walk is the best way to deal with the news, and rubbing elbows with the college crowd can be fun too. I am now thinking of Irene. :-)

  10. We are such creatures of habit that veering from those familiar paths spark something in us and give us new thoughts to think about.

  11. Our humdrum life is still pretty good!

  12. Be careful when you have those ear buds in...always be aware of your surroundings. I saw a gal jogging with them on the highway the other day...apparently she has no idea where she is. If I were her Mom I would give her a lecture:)

  13. Love your pic taken on the Interurban Trail. If I lived in Bellingham, I think I would make it a daily walk.


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