Leo wearing my glasses |
At the coffee shop the other day, my four-year-old friend Leo asked me why I don't wear sunglasses. He and his dad were just getting ready to head up to the High Country on a very sunny day. I told him that my glasses change color, getting darker when I'm outside in the sunshine, and then they turn clear when I'm inside. He demanded to see, so we went outside, even though he was in his socks, and he watched my glasses change color. We didn't stay long, so they didn't get very dark, but he was satisfied. "Can I put them on?" he asked me. I told him that everything would be blurry, but he insisted. And sure enough, everything
was blurry.
Leo's gorgeous eyelashes on display |
Leo has the most amazing eyelashes, and he complied when I asked if I could take a picture of them. I have known Leo for his entire life, watching him change from an infant to a toddler, and he's now on his way to becoming a schoolboy. He doesn't come in with his father every day any more, since some days he's attending preschool. He's a very smart young man and never fails to ask if he can open the door for me when I'm getting ready to leave. I miss him when he's not there.
Pansies for sale at the grocery store |
Last Friday and Saturday were absolutely beautiful days here in Bellingham, but Sunday morning dawned overcast with rain showers. We haven't seen the sun since, and it's been three days now, with many more days of rain forecast. Oh, well. I took this next picture to show you what I do during some of my rainy days.
My favorite chair |
Now, I know that it seems a bit odd to have a lawn chair in the living room, but I simply love this chair. I got in the habit of having a recliner after my mom died and I inherited hers. After it wore out, and I went looking for a replacement, I was appalled not only at the expense, but also the weight and the sheer SIZE of them. (Mama's was small and dainty.) I happened to see one of these at REI, an outdoor store, and I sat in it and wondered if it could be a temporary fix.
That was two lawn chairs ago, and I am quite happy to have a chair that reclines and can be moved anywhere I choose with no trouble. I have added a cushion and some pillows. This was not taken today, as you can see my almost-finished glass of wine on the right-hand side of the chair (there's a round table over there), my laptop available on the left, and a nice fuzzy blanket to wrap myself in. I can look out the front window and keep track of the goings on, and I have been known to fall asleep there as well.
Although I can sit on the loveseat with my partner while we watch TV or sit and chat, I thought you might be interested in knowing about my cheapskate recliner. I hope you're not too shocked.
i think that is totally cool! comfy, light-weight! awesome! :)
ReplyDeletei love that you have known leo for his 4 yrs. what a cute boy.
Do whatever it takes to be comfortable and happy. You seem to like your life as it is. Brava!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't sure which blog to follow, so I followed them both.
ReplyDeleteBefore I read the text, my first thought on site of the photos of handsome Leo, was what lashes he has!
Love your recliner.
ha. not shocked...hey if its a good chair, its a good chair...its so cool the connection you have to the little man and having watched him grown up...its good for him the interaction with you as well i am sure...smiles.
ReplyDeleteLeo is a doll. It's evident he enjoys you as much as you enjoy him. He's a keeper.
ReplyDeleteI love your lawn chair recliner. Wish I'd thought of it first. I'd love to sit in front of patio door & knit during the daylight hours but my regular recliner is much too heavy to drag over there. Thanks for the tip.
Here, Leo would be pronounced Layo and I love the sound of it. Nice to have friends of all ages- for both age groups! Love your chair and will check it out for myself.
ReplyDeleteYes, I am shocked! No, not really. But I am curious as to what you keep in the containers next to your chair. Yarn? Books? And does Smart Guy have his own chair?
ReplyDeleteLeo is adorable. My glasses change also. It helps a lot with the glare.
You have shown your recliner before, so I am not surprised. You and I are exact opposites when it comes to having "stuff" and furnishing our homes. Isn't it great that we can do what we want?
ReplyDeleteI adore Leo, and his lashes! Why does it seem that little boys are gifted with the best lashes?
ReplyDeleteAs for your chair - I say, if it's a comfy chair then it deserves a place of honor in your home!
Love it. The inner sanctum of DJan's life. And that recliner looks like something I'm going to look for. Also love your little guy buddy.
ReplyDeleteFunny how when you invite us into your home this way, we get to snoop around. Is it wrong that I noticed the glass of wine before the recliner? Not to mention the five bottles behind it?
ReplyDeleteThat Leo is just such a little cutie. What woman wouldn't want those lashes? Or to have him open the door for you. So sweet.
A key point in this post is that you have a young friend or friends. As we age we need to keep in contact with young people. Many people find that as they age they don't have many friends as they didn't keep in contact with young people.
ReplyDeleteToday I skated with a former student now 55 years old. It was great to have him with senior skaters(50 plus)
I adore Leo's eyelashes. And your recliner chair. Wonderful lateral thinking.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope wine o'clock was just what you needed.
As usual, I would be very grateful for the rain that you have been hoarding. It doesn't seem fair. I would happily post you some sunshine. Really I would.
You are going to miss Leo when he starts school, as young Leo has been the spotlight of many of your posts through his 4 growing years. Children are so interested to learn and talk to adults and he is most lucky to have you in his life. We have two of your chairs and use them on both decks year round and I agree about your Mom's recliner. They don't make them like that any more - now recliners are just way too big, heavy and awkward. Nice, cozy apartment and I love your large window. I like to sit in front of the window here and read or play with technical stuff. Also, love Leo's long eyelashes. Have a wonderful day.
ReplyDeleteNo not shocked because I have one very much like it. I'll have to take a pic to show you. I have mine in the room I call my office, upstairs. I love to sit and read in it. It supports my back, which is great and is very comfortable. We should start a club - recliner chair users!
ReplyDeleteLeo is gorgeous. My how you're going to miss him when he goes to school. Love the pansies. Those brave little flowers, just lovely.
I noticed the triangular box on top of your whatnot and the picture beside it. Always brings a lump to my throat when I think of your situation D-Jan. I know you keep them close :)
Ah the curiousity of children. Too bad so many adults have lost it....
ReplyDeleteI love the lawn chair!!
ReplyDeleteyou're brilliant
Leo is beautiful
children make everything brighter
I did figure out how to find my voice mail but now I can't remember my password ;)
hugs from me and Hope
Cheapskate recliner..:)
ReplyDeleteIf it is comfy and work for you..why not! :)
I forgot to say that I have enjoyed Leo over the years:)
ReplyDeleteGracious! You're making me want to go out and buy one. However, we don't have an REI store here.
ReplyDeleteTo be perfectly honest, we used two plastic patio chairs in our family room in Illinois. My daughter was appalled that we'd do that. Worse yet, we brought them with us to Hawaii because they were so comfortable.
Your Leo is such a beautiful young man. He certainly does sound very bright!
Leo is getting to be a big boy. I know you must enjoy seeing him as much as he does you.
ReplyDeleteI think your recliner is very cool. We don't have one for the very reasons you mentioned. I'll have to take a look at REI.
Awwwwww, Leo is precious. I'd give my two ovaries [if I had 'em] to have lashes like his!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the pansies.